
Isiwun Ashes to ashes

Isiwun Bagdad cafe casey

Isiwun C'booboobidoo boop betty boop

Isiwun D'red white'n boon

Isiwun D'yes we can

Enterre mon coeur a wounded knee (Sans Affixe)

Isiwun Et au milieu coule une rivière

CH. Stonecrest Fire it up isiwun cooper

Isiwun Fly me to the moon singap

Isiwun Free at last angie

Isiwun Free aung san suu kyi

Isiwun Free mandela marley

Isiwun Free tibet

Isiwun G' million dollar baby

Isiwun G' sur la route de madison dite calamity

Isiwun Get up stand up for your rights dite kimani

Isiwun Gran torino buzz

CH. aussiepride Heart of a hero

Isiwun J' cuba libre! dite aylan

Isiwun J' hands up! don't shot! dite selma

Isiwun Je suis charlie dite charonne

Isiwun Jeremiah jonson dite chokan

Isiwun Little big horn dite loup

Isiwun Louellas cat by l.b. dite chum
Isiwun Macadam cowboy cody

Isiwun Merry christmas, mr. lawrence dite ziggy
Isiwun N' little big man dite sushana

Isiwun Ne me quitte pas amy
Isiwun Never mind the bollocks dite douma

Isiwun New years day dite lamia

Isiwun U.s. isha-thai wovoka

Isiwun V'wounded knee shallow rivers